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Come On Over!

Last week I talked about using ozone, at home, to keep you healthy.   I have a unit at my house and am setting aside time that you can come over and see and possibly experience an ozone treatment.  I will give you 3 dates and times.  Please call or text (303-929-4320) to make a reservation for the time that works for you. When you make the reservation, I will give you driving instructions. I am basically at the intersection of Quincy and Sheridan.  And yes, you can bring a friend.

February 6, 1-3 pm.

March 1, 1-3 pm.

March 31, 1-3 pm.

As long as people are interested, I will make future dates available.  Put this on your schedule so you won’t forget. Even if you don’t want to purchase one, it will add to your knowledge base of what is out there if you need it in the future or someone you know needs it.

In case you didn’t see last week’s health tip, read this.

And remember, Good Health is Priceless!

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