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Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is a technique I use in my practice.  Over the years, I have taught people how to muscle test which allows them to help themselves when at home.  I teach a two hour fun class and you will learn a basic way to help yourself.  Obviously, in two hours, I can’t teach you what I do, but I can teach you some basics which can help you when you get sick or simply want to continue improving your health.

I have a list of people who have asked to be in my next class.  I will teach one class this spring.  If you would like to be in the class, please email me or call the office and leave me a message.  You know how it is:  every time I teach a class, the next week someone tells me they wish they had known I was teaching it.  So here is the invitation:  please come join us.  It is best to take it with a spouse, child or friend so you can practice with each other after the class.  You will become proficient if you practice.

The class is $25 per person.  The date has not yet been set.  I enjoy having the class outside if possible.  Spring has sprung so let me know if you would like to take the class.  And, enjoy your week!

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Do Your Emotions Affect Your Body?

Up and down emotions!  Sometimes we don’t know what to do with ourselves.  At times, we are completely shut down to our emotions and other times our emotions can be wild.  If you have a teenage daughter, you probably know what I mean!

I do the NeuroEmotional Technique in my office.  If you are not familiar with it, you can go to and learn more about it.  I love it because, as you know, we go into a field that we need.  I needed chiropractic and I needed the NeuroEmotional work.  Chiropractic adjustments have helped me because I’ve been in 20 car accidents.  And the NeuroEmotional Technique helped me because I had a traumatic young life and the work made a big difference in me emotionally and physically.  And it can make a big difference in you too if you need it and want it.

Wouldn’t it be great if more people could experience the relief that just a little bit of work can provide?  Never forget that the body is gifted with holding the emotions and therefore, it is the body that needs work to dissipate or dissolve the emotions that are basically “caught” in the tissues.  !

Did you know that NET works for physical problems as well as emotional issues?  For example, you might have a back ache or neck ache and come in for an adjustment.  There could be, but doesn’t have to be, an emotional component to your pain.  Just think what could be done in health care by adding treatment for the emotional component of our body!

In fact, new research has just been reported using the NET and I want to share it with you.  Be sure to open it because it shows, in photos, what happens to the brain before and after applying NET.  I love it because it is easy on the patient and easy on me!  And, when that particular adjustment is hard to get, it is often because of an emotional component!

I love NET!  Do you?

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Allergy Season!

Allergies cause a lot of misery.  When I was young, I had a big allergy to chlorine and I loved swimming so I spent a lot of time rubbing my eyes!  But today, many people have allergies all year round.  Has our air gotten that much worse or what we gotten that much sicker?

We didn’t have a big winter this year, but I imagine we will have a big spring meaning lots of allergies.  Just remember there are many products that help with allergies.  If your allergies are very bad, please come in.  I remember how I used to suffer and I don’t want anyone suffering like that.

Spring is liver time of the year and that means it is time to heal the liver.  Be sure to eat liver healing foods like beets.  If you like to juice, enjoy your green juices.  There are some supplements that are excellent for allergies.  You might have to take them all season, but that is better than taking drugs and being sleepy.  If you are suffering, give me a call!

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Losing a Parent When You Were a Child

I have released my book, “A Texas Tragedy:  Orphaned by Bootleggers.”  The book is a memoir of my healing process from the loss of both of my parents, by death, when I was a young child.  It is an ebook and can be found at Bookbaby  and Amazon.

I have started a new site called ChildhoodLoss.COM and will be offering a series of classes called:  Healing From the Loss of a Parent as A Child.

This creation is to help other adults who lost a parent when they were a child because I wish someone had travelled the path before me and shown me the way. My hope and wish is your time of healing is shorted by my experience. That will mean you love yourself sooner.  You have compassion for yourself sooner.  You change your patterns, that came from that loss, sooner.

Adults who lost a parent when they were a child suffer.  Some suffer from lack of confidence and lack of support.  Everyone has patterns from their childhood.  Those of us who lost a parent as a child share many of the same patterns.  Some patterns are behavioral where we continue to act the same when in our heart of hearts, we do not want to behave that way.  Or it can be feelings that we hide from the world.  Those feelings make us, in some way, feel less than.

It started with your loss of a parent when you were a child.  You can lose a parent by abandonment, abuse, addiction, adoption, death, divorce, indifference, military deployment, prison and sickness.

Most people want to leave that loss and their story behind.  Most who lost a parent, deep down, know they are affected.  But they don’t know what to do about it.

My classes can be taken in the comfort of your own home.  You will learn and use strategies to peer into those patterns from a safe place where change can occur.  The classes will be directed towards recognizing your patterns and changing them through conscious intent.  They are coming soon!

If you are aware of a pattern you have from the loss of a parent as a child, please go to my ChildhoodLoss site and leave a comment.  Anyone can sign up for my blog from that site.