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Almost everyone has dieted at some point. Of course, there are a few who no matter what they eat, they do not gain weight. Their body seems to make the adjustments to handle it.

But if you have dieted, have you gained the weight back? It is so very frustrating isn’t it?

If you gained your weight back, did you blame yourself? We have so much self-blaming and self-shaming in our society. Today I have a video for you that explains that it isn’t your fault and gives you a way out, if you want it. Dr. Fung is a kidney specialist and he specifically works with diabetics. He is not your typical doctor, which means he has something different to offer. I love his message and I hope you do too!! I really appreciate him stepping up to the plate and telling things as they are!

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Nitric Oxide

Patients have asked me about taking nitric oxide. Nitric oxide could be very important for health in your blood vessels. It relaxes the muscles in the blood vessels so they can expand. So it can lower blood pressure by increasing blood flow.

I’ve had nitric oxide in my office and tested people on it and they didn’t often test well to it so I quit trying. I thought well, maybe we could get it through food. And then one day I was watching Dr. Mercola’s daily video. He was in the gym and demonstrating how to get a “nitric acid dump” from exercise. It is one of those exercises I have reintroduced time and time again simply because I forget about it.

Why watch it? It can help keep you from having a stroke and even dementia.

Please listen to what he has to say about it especially if you have and blood flow issues, even erectile dysfunction.

Watch this video and get your nitric oxide through pretty easy exercise.