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The Best Gift

Over the years we realize the best gift we can give ourself is to really know ourself.  That takes time and contemplation.  If you haven’t given it the time and attention you deserve, there is no better time than now!  Gift yourself.

May the coming year give you opportunity after opportunity to get to know yourself!

Happy Holidays!!


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Nature or Nurture?

As we visit with family this holiday season, please remember that the CDC says genetics only account for 10% of diseases.  I hear people say, “well my mom had this disease and I am afraid I will.”  Or something like, “she is bound to be ___ with her genetics.”  That is simply not so.  Ninety percent of disease is due to environmental issues.  This is not my idea, but backed up by research.

I like that because we can control our environment a lot more than we can control our genetics.   Likely culprits in the environment are virus, bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, all kinds of environmental chemicals like pesticides and herbicides.  Don’t forget the psychological stress of difficulties in life or the stress of poverty.  The list gets longer with dietary indiscretions and lifestyle issues, such as exercise.  It becomes clear that there are many ways we can help ourselves and that, in fact, the choices we make are more important than the choices we can’t make:  our genetics.

Enjoy your family and know that you are creating your own future health by your today choices.  If we believe we are destined to a physical condition, that in itself is stressful.

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Brain Health

Think back when you were a kid.  Did you know any adults who had Alzheimer’s?  If you are even close to my age, the answer might be no.  I grew up with grandparents, so I was probably around more older people than most.  I did not know anyone who had a bad case of dementia, no matter what the diagnosis.

Of all the problems of old age, most of my patient’s share my concern:  I don’t want to lose my marbles.  I don’t want to live like that.  My patients tell me they don’t either.  But I notice more and more nursing homes.  More and more problems with memory.

There is seldom one cause. The causes add up and now we have cities full of nursing homes and care centers.  The things I do for my health, I do for the long game:  old age.  I know many older people who are vibrant, and I tell them, “You are my model.”

To stay vibrant, we need to do what we can to insure brain health.  Here is an articlethat nails one of the causes.  And have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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The Holidays and Food

The holidays are great fun entertaining or going to parties.  People tend to meet at restaurants more these days than at home. I hear so many complaints about “all of the food.”

I understand.  That is why the first of the year is known for dieting. As my aunt used to say, “I’m going to go home and I’m going to lose some weight or I’m going to know the reason why.” We always laughed because we knew why.

Remember, put your attention on the people, on your relationship, on the love you have for those with whom you are dining.  The food isn’t that important.  There will always be more delicious food.   What if you don’t eat this piece right now?  No worries, there is always more.

I don’t expect perfection from myself if regards to food unless I am sick.  If I leave a restaurant or someone’s house and my tummy doesn’t feel too full, I’m quite pleased.  May you, and your tummy, enjoy this holiday experience.