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Welcome Fall!

As fall approaches, we start spending more time indoors.  I’m sad as the days are not as long as they were in mid-summer.  I like long days of sunlight so I can go walking early or late.  Fall often brings a coming indoors.  And we often want more warmth.  Today I want to remind you or introduce you to my detox recipe for a bath.  You use Epsom salt, hydrogen peroxide and chamomile tea.  You linger in that bath and let it do its work on you for about 20 minutes.  Of course, I like it really warm, but you can also use this with children, even small children.  Just put it in the normal temperature of bath that you normally prepare for them.   This is especially good at this time of year if the children come home with sniffles.  With any cold or flu, you will learn to love this bath.  But even the end of a long day, anytime you are tired, or feel your muscles are tired, try this detox bath.  

You can read about it and watch this video about it.  If you ever wonder, not what was that recipe, it is on my website, so you will always have it at the ready.  

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I heard a doctor once say, when you pick a food up to eat, ask yourself, “what is this going to do to my brain?”  That is a good question! You can say the same thing about any part of the body.  “What is this going to do to my heart, or kidneys, or liver?”

It is a good exercise because it makes you conscious of how the foods you are eating are supporting you.  How many times do I put something in my mouth to eat without much thought?  I think, “that looks good.”  But do I consciously consider its effect on me and my body?

A great game to play at the dinner table to teach your children or grandchildren about food is “how will this food help me?”  Carrots for the eyes.  Blueberries for the brain.  Raw red onions to fight cancer cells.  Avocado for heart health. And so forth. As kids become computer literate, “we are having broccoli for dinner. Why don’t you look it up and teach us what it is good for.” Younger kids especially love this kind of conversation at the table. And believe me, they will remember it as they grow older!