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Hang on Tight. Here We Go!

The holidays have begun.  It is a race and we need to pace ourselves.  It starts before Halloween.  And as soon as the costumes are off, Christmas items are in the stores, even before we order the turkey for Thanksgiving.   After Santa closes the door, we have our eyes on New Year’s festivities.  It is a marathon, not a sprint.  We have to pace ourselves

There are a few things I’d like to remind you to do to help you enjoy the holidays as they are so fun!  Get enough sleep.  Wash your hands often.  Eat well.  Get some exercise.  Plan ahead so you aren’t buying gifts at the last minute.  Wrap gifts ahead of time.  Make your holiday menu early.  

All of these suggestions are to keep you well.  And if you get sick this fall, get in right away and get some herbs and an adjustment so you aren’t out of the race very long!  This is the most fun time of the year! You don’t want to miss it.

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