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The Holidays and Food

The holidays are great fun entertaining or going to parties.  People tend to meet at restaurants more these days than at home. I hear so many complaints about “all of the food.”

I understand.  That is why the first of the year is known for dieting. As my aunt used to say, “I’m going to go home and I’m going to lose some weight or I’m going to know the reason why.” We always laughed because we knew why.

Remember, put your attention on the people, on your relationship, on the love you have for those with whom you are dining.  The food isn’t that important.  There will always be more delicious food.   What if you don’t eat this piece right now?  No worries, there is always more.

I don’t expect perfection from myself if regards to food unless I am sick.  If I leave a restaurant or someone’s house and my tummy doesn’t feel too full, I’m quite pleased.  May you, and your tummy, enjoy this holiday experience.

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