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The Holidays and Food

The holidays are great fun entertaining or going to parties.  People tend to meet at restaurants more these days than at home. I hear so many complaints about “all of the food.”

I understand.  That is why the first of the year is known for dieting. As my aunt used to say, “I’m going to go home and I’m going to lose some weight or I’m going to know the reason why.” We always laughed because we knew why.

Remember, put your attention on the people, on your relationship, on the love you have for those with whom you are dining.  The food isn’t that important.  There will always be more delicious food.   What if you don’t eat this piece right now?  No worries, there is always more.

I don’t expect perfection from myself if regards to food unless I am sick.  If I leave a restaurant or someone’s house and my tummy doesn’t feel too full, I’m quite pleased.  May you, and your tummy, enjoy this holiday experience.

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Dropped Metatarsals

Do you have a dropped metatarsal?  You would know because your foot would hurt.  Normally it hurts on the bottom of your foot.  This issue is a bigger issue for woman than men and I think that is because of high heels, which put the foot in an unnatural position.  The metatarsal is the bone that attaches to the toes.  The bone is long and thin.  When the bottom of the foot hurts, in the ball of the foot, it is often a dropped metatarsal.

If you have this condition someway regularly, you might want to go to Rite Aid or Walgreens or a good quality shoe store and see if they have a metatarsal pad that will help. You put it under you’re the ball of your foot and it supports the metatarsal.  That is certainly a lot better than having pain.  They are inexpensive and can really be helpful.  Try one if you need it!

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Blanket Time

My patients are the best! Sometimes they tell me about a product that they love, and I want to share it with others.  Have you heard about the weighted blankets?  I know they are often used on pets and on babies, but hey, adults are using them too.  Why would you want to use one?  Here are some of the symptoms that the blankets claim to help:   anxiety, panic attacks, stress and tension, insomnia, hot flashes, PTSD, restless leg syndrome, symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, ADD, ADHD, autism, any sensory disorder.

I don’t know how much they would help.  I know my patient said it has helped her hot flashes.  And if you have ever had a hot flash, you would grab that weighted blanket in a hot minute.  It seems so counter-intuitive that you would use a blanket when you have a hot flash, but she says it works.  Don’t try to take away her blanket!

I have a gold standard way of assessing whether I think something is worth trying.  If you don’t have to swallow it (you know I’m very particular in that regard), and it won’t hurt you, why not try it.  A blanket won’t hurt you.  And if it has the possibility of helping, that is fabulous.  I’ll let you in on a secret:  my patient ordered her blanket from  I have no connection with the company, but if you have any of the symptoms above, and try it, please let me know how you like it!

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Can You Change Your Body?

Someone was in my office recently and asked me to look at their child’s feet.  They turn in.  Often it is called pigeon-toed.  What could she do about that?  It is obvious the child has a muscle imbalance and the muscles that turn her feet in are stronger than the ones that turn her feet out.  Some people say, “it runs in the family.”  That doesn’t mean it can’t be changed.  The fact of the matter is, something can be done about it. She may have perfect alignment with the right therapy as a child.   As an adult, I know she could see improvement, but her improvement might not be as complete as when she is a child and still growing and developing.

Don’t just accept that is the way it is.  That may be the way it is right now, but it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.  It can change, especially if the change is done as a child.  Even bone remodels.  If you get the muscles that are too tight to relax and get the muscles that aren’t doing their job, to contract, her feet may turn out perfect.

Let’s change for the better what we.  It will make a difference in that child’s life!

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Water please!

Last week, I gave a link to the series on Alzheimer’s.  The link didn’t work correctly, and I apologize.  Here is the one that works.

We are in the midst of the hot days of summer.  It is easy to get dehydrated.  Did you know that the number one reason for kidney stones is not drinking enough water? Water is necessary.  Pure water.  If you have ever had a kidney stone, I won’t have to beg you to drink enough water.  They can be very painful.

When I go into a convenience store, there are so many drinks from which to choose.  Water is the best.  Adding a few squeezes of lemon juice can be helpful when you are home or in a restaurant.  And if you are inflamed you can add about an ounce of sugar free cherry juice or sugar free pomegranate juice to a tall glass of water.  They are refreshing drinks when you are sitting on the deck in the summer. ENJOY!

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Amazing Video!

Once in a while, something comes my way that I feel I just have to share with you.  I hope you are as excited about it as I am.

I’ve written about the Voxx socks and insoles before.   And there is a new video that is mind blowing to me.  Maybe there is something that can do what these do, but I am not familiar with it.  This video says it all.  I’ve never seen anything like it!

After watching, if you want to forward to someone you know, have them click here if they are interested in ordering the product.  And, of course, they can always call me.

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Happy Feet!

If you have tried the socks I have in my office, I hope you love them like I do.  One of my patients who is a bicyclist says they fit her feet like no other sock.  She thinks her cycling is better too.  And some say their golf, racket ball and hiking are better with the socks.  Of course, I love hearing the success of patients with the socks because I LOVE them.

The reason I love them as I simply do not have the balance that I once had and they help my balance.   My patient and friend was in my office a few weeks ago and said that she liked the socks.  She wore them about two weeks continuously and thought, well, I like them but I can’t really tell they are helping me with my balance.  So, she quit wearing them.  Then she could really tell how much they had helped her balance and back into the socks she went.  She told me since she has been wearing the socks, which is going on six months, she hasn’t fallen once.   And this is from someone who I’ve treated for many falls.

I feel the same way because I can definitely tell they help with my balance.  If you have a person in your life that you are contemplating a Christmas gift for, consider the socks.  If you want them for a gift, I can order them for you if I don’t have them in stock or if you would prefer to order them yourself, order here.

If you have an athlete in your life or a person like myself who needs to have more balance to prevent falls, these socks or insoles are just the ticket!!  The icing on the cake is that is also helps with pain.  I’ve had it help with hip pain and low back pain an neuropathy.  In their study of 1000 people, 980 said the socks helped with their pain.  Happy Feet=Happy Life!