Happy Valentine’s month. Valentine’s is one holiday that we might consider celebrating every day. I don’t mean give flowers, candy, or a nice dinner out everyday, but the feeling of love! If you have love in your life, I can guarantee you are happier AND healthier.
Often people say, “but I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend or I don’t have a husband/wife.” We all know that Valentine’s day is for lovers, but the root of that word is love. Simply love. Love others, love life, love your body, love nature, love children, love your pets: love knows no bounds. With an open heart, there are many opportunities to give love to another. Make yourself available.
Sometimes it is easier to love another than to really love yourself. Loving yourself means you are kind, forgiving and compassionate with yourself. Life has hard knocks for everyone. Love yourself anyway. You make mistakes. Love yourself anyway. You weren’t as kind as you feel you should have been. Love yourself anyway. You lost your job. Love yourself anyway. But how can you do that? It is easier to love yourself if you take responsibility for your life. When you are wrong, fess up, even to yourself. You can’t wait until everything is perfect to love yourself as life gets messy!
As my Granny always said, life is short. Let’s make the most of it by loving fully. And, really, there is no way to truly love others unless you love yourself! HAPPY VALENTINE’S!