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Mattress and Pillow

“It’s summertime, and the living is easy!”  Right? Well, we want it to be.  But it might not feel like living is easy.   That might be because you don’t get enough sleep.  There are many factors that keep people from getting the proper sleep and keeps them from recuperating and feeling refreshed in the morning.  

Top of the list is: how old is your mattress?  And how comfortable is your mattress?  The internet says a mattress should last between 7 to 10 years.  I say it can last as long as you are comfortable and get a good night’s sleep. If you buy a good mattress, it can last longer than 10 years.  Just like shoes, at some point, it needs to be replaced.  I’ve had patients say it made a world of difference for them in terms of sleep and feeling rested.

But don’t be too quick to throw out the mattress.  It might be your pillow that is causing you to feel tired when you get up in the morning. And, certainly, a pillow is less expensive than a mattress.  It makes sense that you need to change a pillow.  After you put your weight on a shoe for so long, it loses some of its padding. So does a pillow.  If you have used a pillow for two years, it is time to get a new one.  Not only has the pillow lost its fluffiness, but it has collected the saliva from your mouth.  Yep, you might need a new pillow!!

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Warmer Weather

For the most part, people tend to be healthier in the summer months.  The weather is warm, so people walk and exercise more.  It feels good to get in the sun for a short period of time. Our body likes the vitamin D.  

I’ve noticed over the years that patients are healthier in the summer.  Are you? We don’t have to keep our necks wrapped up to avoid the cold, there are more fruits and vegetables to enjoy and typically we eat lighter meals.  There is a lot to like about summer and how it pertains to your health!

A bad cold was going around the neighborhood.  If you are still suffering, come see me.  I know you want to enjoy your summer! Summer seems short so let’s enjoy as much of it as possible!

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Often, you race through life.  That makes it hard to be present?  It is impossible to smell the roses.

Then, something makes you stop in your tracks.  Maybe it is the birth of a new baby.  Or maybe it is the death of a friend or loved one.  

Either experience gives us the opportunity to slow down.  Experience the real in life.  Recognize what is most important, and that usually  has to do with the people we love.  Notice what is going on with you emotionally and physically.

You might not be aware of the stress you are living with on a day to day basis until you stop.  When you stop, you realize how fast you have been going.  It is ok to slow down.  It is ok to feel yourself, really feel yourself.

Your fast-paced life is a ticket to self-forgetting.  You forget your needs are important. Your needs are necessary.   It is easier when you remember that you can’t be there for your children, your spouse or anyone else, in the way you want, if you haven’t had your own cup filled.  This is all part of loving yourself!  

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What supplement do you automatically think of when I mention osteoporosis?  Most likely it is calcium.

Most of the time, my patients think it is necessary to take calcium for their bones.  Sometimes they test for it, but much of the time they don’t. Doesn’t it make sense that we utilize the nutrients in food better than in supplements?  There has been some concern that too many calcium pills might leave calcium deposits in the circulatory system, right where we don’t want them.  And to use the calcium in the bone, K2 and Vitamin D is needed.  As always, let’s take supplements judiciously.  

Most people have heard of the famous Framingham study.  Here is information that they found about osteoporosis in that study.  I will give you the punch line:  take vitamin C! Read this to understand just how important diet is to our health.

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If you are open to a different take on what causes most of the problems that people have, including yourself, please listen to this video.  It is for people who have physical problems, addictions, behavioral problems: actually, any problem.  And it is for those who seem to never have problems!

He speaks to depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, and oppositional deviant disorder.  

He actually speaks to the human condition.  This video explains so much!  As I often tell my patients:  no one had perfect parents.  Life happens. It isn’t about blame, but understanding ourselves and others.  You may want to listen to other videos on youtube by Dr. Mate.  Let’s learn as much as we can!

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I’ve had so many people tell me they are pre-diabetic.  Even those who eat well.  It might be because they play with the numbers which includes more people.  But let’s face it, our society is built all around food. Today’s health tip features a podcast with Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist, who talks about diabetes and has written several books about it.  He is refreshing because he says with insulin, we are treating the symptom, not the disease.  He is so right.  This may be a health tip you choose to share with those you love.  If you do not want to listen to the intro, go to 6:45 and start there.  I love Dr. Fung’s message to the world.  There is hope.  He talks about having written an article that is published that followed people who had been on insulin for 10 years and he got them off their medication.  How?  He quit treating the symptom and treated the problem.  Hope you love him as much as I do.  

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Prostate Issues

Do you, or someone you love, suffer from prostate issues?

The signs and symptoms of prostate dysfunction are:

            *Frequent urination at night

            *Pain during urination

            *Difficulty in starting or stopping a stream of urine

            *Decrease in urine flow

            *Pain during urination

            *Loss of bladder control

            *Blood in urine

Here are three videos about using baking soda to eliminate symptoms related to prostate problems.  Although this video speaks to cancer, a patient made an appointment to see me for his prostate symptoms.  But before the date and time of his appointment, he had tried what is suggested in these videos and reported that 90% of his prostate symptoms disappeared.  

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Chronic Inflammation

Perhaps you have been in my office when I give the statistics for statins:  for every 100 people given a statin, it helps one person live longer, 30-40 people are hurt from the side effects and the others are just taking the drug without benefit.  

Or perhaps you have heard me say that 250,000 people a year go on kidney dialysis because of taking over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.   

And you may know that many people die every year from taking pharmaceutical drugs the way they are instructed to take them.  

But did you know that more people die every year from eating junk food than they do from taking drugs?  Here is an article about how our food is responsible for causing the chronic inflammation.  Let’s change health care by eating real food.  What a concept.

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Food or Drugs?

Learn about the health benefits of food.  Why?  Our bodies are made to respond to the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the movements we make and the electromagnetic energies we are around.  Really, it is fascinating.

But that isn’t the only reason.  Let’s be real.  You know the pharm companies and the prices they charge for drugs.  Even though I prefer plants when possible, most people in this country use drugs.  And if you have ever looked at the price tag of those drugs, it will make your head spin.  

Is this sustainable?  Most people say, “Oh well, my insurance company pays for it.”  We, as a collective, are the insurance company.  They don’t have the right to print money, so the money comes from our collective premiums.  When we consider that Alzheimer’s has skyrocketed and that by 2025 it is projected that one in two children born will become autistic, will this model survive?  Here is a view.  What do you think?