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The Best Gift

Over the years we realize the best gift we can give ourself is to really know ourself.  That takes time and contemplation.  If you haven’t given it the time and attention you deserve, there is no better time than now!  Gift yourself.

May the coming year give you opportunity after opportunity to get to know yourself!

Happy Holidays!!


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Nature or Nurture?

As we visit with family this holiday season, please remember that the CDC says genetics only account for 10% of diseases.  I hear people say, “well my mom had this disease and I am afraid I will.”  Or something like, “she is bound to be ___ with her genetics.”  That is simply not so.  Ninety percent of disease is due to environmental issues.  This is not my idea, but backed up by research.

I like that because we can control our environment a lot more than we can control our genetics.   Likely culprits in the environment are virus, bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, all kinds of environmental chemicals like pesticides and herbicides.  Don’t forget the psychological stress of difficulties in life or the stress of poverty.  The list gets longer with dietary indiscretions and lifestyle issues, such as exercise.  It becomes clear that there are many ways we can help ourselves and that, in fact, the choices we make are more important than the choices we can’t make:  our genetics.

Enjoy your family and know that you are creating your own future health by your today choices.  If we believe we are destined to a physical condition, that in itself is stressful.

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Brain Health

Think back when you were a kid.  Did you know any adults who had Alzheimer’s?  If you are even close to my age, the answer might be no.  I grew up with grandparents, so I was probably around more older people than most.  I did not know anyone who had a bad case of dementia, no matter what the diagnosis.

Of all the problems of old age, most of my patient’s share my concern:  I don’t want to lose my marbles.  I don’t want to live like that.  My patients tell me they don’t either.  But I notice more and more nursing homes.  More and more problems with memory.

There is seldom one cause. The causes add up and now we have cities full of nursing homes and care centers.  The things I do for my health, I do for the long game:  old age.  I know many older people who are vibrant, and I tell them, “You are my model.”

To stay vibrant, we need to do what we can to insure brain health.  Here is an articlethat nails one of the causes.  And have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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The Holidays and Food

The holidays are great fun entertaining or going to parties.  People tend to meet at restaurants more these days than at home. I hear so many complaints about “all of the food.”

I understand.  That is why the first of the year is known for dieting. As my aunt used to say, “I’m going to go home and I’m going to lose some weight or I’m going to know the reason why.” We always laughed because we knew why.

Remember, put your attention on the people, on your relationship, on the love you have for those with whom you are dining.  The food isn’t that important.  There will always be more delicious food.   What if you don’t eat this piece right now?  No worries, there is always more.

I don’t expect perfection from myself if regards to food unless I am sick.  If I leave a restaurant or someone’s house and my tummy doesn’t feel too full, I’m quite pleased.  May you, and your tummy, enjoy this holiday experience.

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It is the holiday season. No matter what holiday you celebrate, if gift giving is a part of it, you want to be smart about gifting.  I remember an elderly woman in my hometown. She was beloved by many.  She had a home and didn’t need “stuff.”  She said many times, “if I can’t eat it or wear it, don’t give it to me.”

As people age, they need less “stuff” and often they need more help:  help with their body.  Much of the time, people don’t know how to help so I have a few suggestions.

If someone has pain, the cbd cream I sell tests well on almost everyone.  The feedback I get from people is they like it.  It is in the form of a body butter.  It doesn’t take much to make you feel better.  It is worth a try.  It is 45.95 plus tax.  As you might know, I have tested a number of these in my practice and this is the one that tests the best.

Another gift idea is the socks!  I’ve talked about them before.  You can see them on my website or in my office.  I have them for sale or you can order them off my site.  The reason I really like them is they increase my balance. They also give more stamina, so if someone is on their feet all day, they will appreciate a pair of socks. They increase athletic performance, like your golf game. They increase range of motion too. I know, they sound magical, but they aren’t.  On the bottom of the sock is patented information that stimulates the neuroreceptors all the way to the brain.  And, did I mention, they enhance brain function too!

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Thankful for You!

I am thankful for you, my patients and friends.  I consider it an honor for you to trust me with your body and health.  I love what I do.   You allow me the opportunity to do what I love to do most.  Thank you!

The big word these days is inflammation.  Everyone wants something for their inflammation.  It is wise to clear up inflammation.  However, people talk about it as if it is, “the thing.”  It isn’t.  Inflammation is a response in the body.  It is the response to an injury.  This is basic physiology.

What kind of injury? It can be any kind of injury.  I like to talk about it as physical, like spraining an ankle.  Or chemical, like eating or drinking something your body really doesn’t like.  Or it can be electromagnetic, like holding a cell phone to your head day in and day out.

So remember, inflammation is the response.  Just treating it isn’t always going to get you to where you want to go.  Go upstream to the cause.  Are you eating something your body doesn’t like?  Are you stressed out with too much screen time or an emotional issue?  Or have you sprained your ankle.

Always look to the cause of the problem, not the body’s response to the cause!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Breathing on the Run

Normally, I am in the office around the Thanksgiving holiday, but this year I will be in San Diego. Please call or text if you need to get in

This time of year pulls our energy.  We want to participate in all the festivities without overwhelming our body.  Everyone knows to stay hydrated and get as much sleep as is possible.  A way to calm your nervous system down amidst all the excitement is deep breathing.

It is easy to forget.  Breathing doesn’t take long really, but it is one of those things people intend to do but tend to get at the end of the day and realize they haven’t breathed deeply all day.

I have a little trick. Tie deep breathing to another behavior. Every time you go to the bathroom during your day just take three deep breaths.  Breathing deeply is so satisfying and nurturing it can’t help but relax you.  Take your breath deeper and deeper.

If you have a child or grandchild that gets “wound up,”  play a game of deep breathing.  It won’t last long, but it doesn’t have to in order to be effective.

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There is a prediction that by 2025, 1 in 2 children will be autistic.  That is a heavy, heavy statistic. And it was made by an MIT graduate.

If you want to understand what the fuss is regarding autism vs. vaccines, an easily digestible way to see who says what  is the video vaxxed.  The names of researchers, the CDC specialist, and the research is given.  When you hear and understand both sides, you can decide what you want to do.

A link is up so we can watch it for free until November 8th.  However, my computer skills fail me.  So maybe everyone needs to own a copy to share.

The video is called Vaxxed and you can buy it here.  Buy a few for Christmas presents!

And I think you can see it here for free until Nov. 8th.


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Are You Covered?

Insurance is one of those things we never want to have to use.  But if you need it, you certainly want to have it.  People need to be treated for injuries they sustain in a car accident, but to do so, you must have proper coverage.  In Colorado, you can get car insurance and not cover yourself as the driver, but I wouldn’t suggest it.  You need to have MED PAY.  That means, if you get in a car accident, you can come to my office and be treated through your insurance.  It simply doesn’t make any sense to not have some coverage!


I first started this when Colorado went the way of no-fault insurance.  When I began, I had $5000 worth of MED PAY.  After some years I changed it to $10,000.   Decide what amount your are comfortable with, but don’t find yourself naked when you need coverage.  This is just a friendly reminder:  call your insurance and see what kind of coverage you have.  Most people don’t know what coverage they have until they need it. Get it before you need it!

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Today we have some choices for care that we didn’t have when I was a child.

If you are thinking you could be a candidate for a knee replacement or a shoulder replacement, you have more choices in most circumstances now.  Have you ever considered a stem cell injection?  Or a shot of protein rich plasma, called PRP?  When I weigh a shot, which is how stem cells are given, or a surgery, I think the shot is a great deal less invasive.  Yes, it is possible it won’t work.  But a replacement might not work either.  After a stem cell injection, you can still have a replacement if you need it. The only glitch is that insurance will not pay for stem cells or PRP and they are pricey.

There are many complaints about the costs of health care (I call sickness care).  And yet, a great deal of the costs could be eliminated if people were given stem cell and PRP shots instead of replaced parts.  You see, the powers that be don’t really want to decrease the health care bills.  “They” say stem cells and PRP  are experimental.  How long do they have to be done before they are no longer classified as experimental? Is it possible that big pharma does not want them considered regular care?  I mean, how much medicine would you need with a shot?  Think about it!