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Learn Via Computer

Are you learning via your computer?  You have never been able to have as much access to information at your whim as you do today.  For that, you can really appreciate your computers and the enlarged world they give you.  If you are like me, there are more videos and podcasts and articles to enjoy than time.  We have to pick and choose.

We can learn via our computer that we already have and internet access we already have, so nothing stands in our way of learning but time.

Here is the link to a series of videos by Dr. Mercola.  The title is, “Diet Against Disease.”   Do you know anyone interested in that topic?  Of course, you do.  And, it is free.  Sign up for the series, and watch or listen to what you can.

I often listen to videos as I am cooking dinner or cleaning up afterwards or doing my hair in the morning.  I use the little minutes here and there because I don’t often have time to sit and listen to one or two hours at a time.  You may be the same way.  Use your minutes instead of hours.  Learn what you can.  Enjoy the series, or, if you are like me, the part of the series you have time to watch!

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Anal Cancer

There has been a surge in cases of anal cancer.  You ask why the increase in cases?  Many cancers are because of chemicals, like BPA.  Have you considered the chemicals present in toilet tissue?  It goes on our most tender regions so perhaps it should be as pure as possible.  As far as I know, the bamboo toilet tissue from is the only toilet tissue that is BPA free.  And, it is good for the environment.  Bamboo is so plentiful and grows so quickly.  It replenishes itself with amazing speed.  Consider it environmentally friendly.


If you have a family history of anal cancer or you have anal fissures or hemorrhoids, you might want to do all you can to ensure your anal health by investing in toilet tissue without chemicals.


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The Ideal Baby Gift

Are you looking for the ideal baby gift?  Because babies can’t lift their heads, it is up to us to support their heads.  But when they are sleeping or in a cradle, what can you do?  The ideal baby gift has been created so the parents won’t need to worry that their baby will develop a flat head or too tight of muscles on one side.


This gift is ideal for a baby from birth to 6 months of age.  After 6 months, the baby won’t need it.  You can buy it right off of their website.  As a chiropractor, you know how important I think the neck is!


A friend of mine was in town visiting and we took a trip to the top of Mt. Evans.  There I met Dr. Scott’s son.  He told me all about the tortle, and I am sharing it with you.  Listen to Dr. Scott, a pediatrician, explain the tortle.

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Do You Feel Free To Make Choices Concerning Your Own Body?


Do you feel free to make decisions about what choices you make about your own body?  Celebrating the Fourth of July is to remind us of our freedoms and our duty to protect them.

I’m concerned with medical freedom.

The series, “Vaccines Revealed,” just aired and one of the concerns is that people are being held hostage to vaccinate.  It used to simply be a choice.  Now people are told their job is dependent on their being vaccinated, that their children’s education is dependent on their being vaccinated.  And at the same time, the CDC has known since 2001 that vaccines cause autism.  There is something wrong with this equation, right?

Where was the freedom for those who were born since 2001 whose parents did not get the memo, and became autistic?

Where is our freedom to stay well?  Where is our freedom to make our own choices about our health care and the health care of our children?  We will, as a country, either reverse this trend or by 2032 one in two new births will become autistic.  And if you think that is a genetic problem, that isn’t possible.

But don’t believe me.

I like for my patients to look for confirmation of anything I say.  Now, don’t expect confirmation from the CDC.  They have an agenda:  sell vaccines while they are supposed to be keeping us safe.  And, they don’t want it found out that they knew all along.  After all, what would you think of them?  But again, don’t believe me.

I knew that many people would be unable to watch the link I gave in the health tips for the nine consecutive days of video.

They were over an hour and a half long.  That is a lot of time for anyone.  So, I purchased the set of videos.  I did not purchase them for me.  I am not having any children or grandchildren.  I am not getting vaccinations. I bought them for you, my patients, to borrow from me and educate yourself.  I can’t expect you to believe me.  I don’t want you to believe me.

I want you to get good information and synthesize it for yourself.  Come to your own conclusions.

If I just wanted you to do what I suggest, I could have saved my money.  I bought this for you.  Please, for the sake of your children’s and grandchildren’s health, listen to both sides of the issue and make up your own mind.

Isn’t that what real freedom is about?

And while you are at it, enjoy the Fourth of July!!  Let’s not take our freedom for granted!

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Detox Bath, Ear Ache and Castor Oil Pack

After 30 years in practice, I still suggest the same therapies like the detox bath, the onion for an ear ache and a castor oil pack.

They work as many of my patients testify.  I have even made videos for you to make it as easy as possible to use and understand these therapies.

In case you haven’t seen my videos, please watch them and pass them around as they work for everyone!  They are also on my website under Resources.

The body doesn’t change that much over time.   In other words, the same therapy I used 30 years ago when I started practice, works today.  Why wouldn’t it?  The body gets older, but the genes don’t change.  We know from epigenetic research, it is more about the environment we put the body in that allows the expression of certain genes.

Our society has gotten used to the latest greatest medications.

Wait a few years and you will discover the side effects.

Some will be discontinued, just like surgeries.   It isn’t often you hear of a child having their tonsils removed today, and yet when I was a child, it was customary.

I have to wonder, in 20 years, will they still be using amphetamines to treat ADHD in children?  The side effects are not pretty and it says in the insert that the medication shouldn’t be used more than 60 days.  Do you know anyone who has stopped using the medication after 60 days?

Natural therapies that were good 30 years ago are still good today.  Use them first!!

I hope you took advantage of the Vaccines Revealed series.  It is EXCELLENT!!


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Do You Vaccinate?

If you vaccinate, please watch the video series Vaccines Revealed.

It is an online video series that starts today!

If you sign up with this link, you will be sent a segment each day for about 9 days.

Perhaps you need more information to make an informed decision.  You can do your own private investigation by going to the CDC offices in Atlanta and wade through their research, or you can watch the video series that starts today called Vaccines Revealed.

We need to have a national discussion about vaccines.

Recently the first ever study was run where they compared vaccine children to non-vaccine children and (drumroll) the non-vaccine children were healthier.

We need to do some serious research.  Vaccines have never been proven to be safe, necessary or work  and yet look how many people are vaccinated.

If we are going to take them, let’s make sure they are safe, effective and necessary for our health.  When you think of vaccine, you might think of getting an immune response.  But did you know you get aluminum too?  Mercury too.

I think mercury is the second most toxic chemical in the world.

Are you sure you want to put it in your body?  And, have you noticed how many people are getting Alzheimer’s?

But please, don’t take my word for it.  Listen to those who have done the research personally.

And, if it is like last time, a man who has an autistic son and is employed as a researcher held my attention for the whole series.

Who will be your favorite person interviewed?

Please leave a comment as to who is your favorite interviewee.  And, remember, GOOD HEALTH IS PRICELESS!!

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Stem Cell Therapy

You will never be younger than you are at this moment.  There is no time like the present if you want to save some of your stem cells for use in the future.

The younger the stem cells are, the more active they will be.

As stem cell therapy becomes more popular, you are more likely to want to choose stem cell therapy instead of a knee replacement or shoulder surgery.   We as insurers should make our voices heard.  If you are part of an insurance group, the insurance company “should” try to cut costs as well as poor outcomes.

In Denver, a hip replacement costs about $57,000.  A knee replacement costs about $48,000.  You can get stem cell therapy for less than $10,000.

The insurance companies will say it is an experimental procedure.  How long will they need to perform these procedures before they are normal practice and not experimental?

Just consider the poor outcomes from surgery.  I don’t have to write about it as you have friends and stories that are as good as mine.

There is always the possibility of problems from surgery.

And the rehab for the joint replacements are not fun.  It is hard work.

As it stands now, anyone who wants to try the stem cell therapy has to pay out of pocket.

How much more is  your insurance is because they won’t pay for stem cell?

Why don’t insurance companies cover stem cell?  You could always have the surgery if the stem cell doesn’t work, but there would be far fewer surgeries and far fewer poor outcomes.

I don’t  do these procedures so I don’t have a horse in the race as they say.  But common sense says surgery carries a lot more problems than stem cell.  Here is an article from a Dr. who has done stem cell for 20 years.  Enjoy!

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Entering a bathroom, I often hold my nose.  Smells from the body don’t bother me nearly as much as the smells from the plug ins that try to cover up the body smells.  Oh my, sometimes they take my breath away.

I am not fond of the irritatingly sweet smells that are filled with chemicals and that I know are toxic.  Must we add to the toxicity  in our environment?  Frankly, I don’t like anything scented that is laden with chemicals.  My nose can tell.

You might ask, what is our choice as we don’t want bathroom smells, and let’s face it, bathrooms smell.  Candles have been popular for many years, but there are problems with using candles, like fires.  I don’t see nearly as many used any more.

But you do have a choice.  What about and easy-to-make room deodorizer that is toxic-free using essential oils?  I am sure there are many recipes to do this online.  Children would love to participate in making these chemical free natural bathroom sprays.  What a great gift and a great activity for children during the summer.  Make them and set them aside as gifts for grandmothers and aunts and neighbors.

I like this recipe.  If you prefer others, please leave the recipe.  May your bathrooms be toxic free and have a fresh smell.



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Healing Teeth

Our teeth are so important to our health.  Some people say you can look in a person’s mouth and tell the health of their body.  Teeth problems are often known to be the hidden cause of all kinds of mystery illnesses.

There was a dentist named Weston Price.  He traveled around the world looking at teeth and researching.  He compared people’s teeth from different cultures.  Different cultures equals different diets.  He found that diet was very important in maintaining healthy teeth, even how straight teeth are.

Do you know how to stop a cavity?  Like anything else in life, if you want to learn how to do something, ask someone who has done it.  I’m giving you a link today to an article about reversing tooth decay and remineralizing your teeth.  I always say, if you want to know how to do something, ask someone who has done it.  The author of this article healed her tooth that had a cavity in it as well a gum issue.  It is worth trying.   I’d do anything to avoid dental work!  Let me know what you think of the article!


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Spring Brings Allergies!

And if you have allergies, spring can bring sneezing, watering eyes, itching eyes, headaches and even coughing.  Products I carry in the office that work well if you have allergies are Sinuplex, HMC, and an allergy homeopathic.  If you have allergies and haven’t tried these products as single remedies or as a group, please consider them as having allergies is hard on your immune system.  That is why I try not to be around cats as they will stress my immune system.

Spring time of the year is liver time of the year.  We need to do what we can to give liver support.  The best thing to do is to eat clean food.  Not pesticides.  No chemicals.  You know the drill, but doing it is the trick!

I learned some years ago that I do better, allergy wise, when I keep my house closed.  That way the allergens don’t come inside my house.  I don’t leave the doors closed all the time, but very near it.

A good HEPA filter can help rid your house of allergens.  I have three filters going most of the time.  I remember hearing about a study where they said miscarriages could be determined by how close to a major road you lived.

There are so many contaminates now that each one counts.  We want to decrease our total load of stresses in the body.  We do this by eating correctly and filtering our air and our water!

Enjoy spring!