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Holiday Cheer!

Happy Holidays!  From now until the new year, it is all about being thankful and giving to others.

When I was a kid, Christmas was magical at our house.  Santa Clause was very giving to me.  I loved the magic.  Santa went to all little girls and boys around the world, as long as they were good.  Right?

I was so sheltered.  I had no idea of the real world and how so many children didn’t have a wonderful Christmas.  My family loves Christmas and I hope, the children in the family, still have that gleam of magic in their eye.

But it isn’t that way for everyone.  I have a friend who teaches at Warren Village.  She teaches the three year olds.  There are 6 boys and 6 girls.  I’ve heard how the children often don’t have appropriate clothes, some might be homeless, financially strapped, typically one parent and typically lots of issues.  What does that mean for the children?   Often their needs are not met.

For this holiday, our office has adopted this class.  We would like to get each child something they can use and something they would like.  I have a list of children and what they need.  If you would like to give something to support these children, it will make a difference in their life.  The gifts can be lightly used.  The gifts will be given to the teacher who will see that these children have a Christmas!

Here is a list of needed items.  We all have things we don’t use.  If you can add to their Christmas, that would be great.  You may have things that have been lightly used that these children would LOVE!

Here are items you can bring to the office to add to their Christmas.

art stuff,


Size 9 girl shoes,

4T girl clothes.

baseball and super heroes items

Size 9 boy shoes,

3T  boy clothes.

Barbie’s dolls

5T girl clothes.



Size 11 boy shoes,

4 T boy clothes.


Size 10 boy shoes,

new socks

boys winter coat, size 3


Size 8 girl shoes,

Peppa Pig,

Size 9 girl shoes,


Just bring anything you have that is age appropriate, whether it is on the list or not, to the office and we will make sure these children have a Christmas!


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Do You Have a Good Mattress?

A good mattress is so important for your body to get a good night’s rest.  As long as you are comfortable in your bed and you get a good night’s sleep every night, it is a good mattress for you.  When you wake up hurting, you have to wonder if it is your bed that is the cause.  If you are uncertain, go on a weekend vacation to a nice hotel and if you don’t wake up hurting, you have a clue.

A new mattress is a dreaded purchase.  We are afraid we won’t like it.  And then what do you do?  And there are so many to choose from and so many different toppings.  Do we top or not?

I used to love my waterbed.  After a number of years and a number of moves, I decided I didn’t want it anymore because of the EMF’s with the heater.  Of course, you can unplug it at night, but you better remember to plug it back in the next morning.

Another bed that is popular is the air bed.  What is your number?  I know people who love them.  I have slept on them and I had a good night’s sleep.  They are expensive and yet they will last much longer than a regular mattress.

Perhaps the phrase different strokes for different folks was made about choosing a mattress.  I love my mattress and it is a regular mattress without a topping.  Plain Jane!

I’ll tell you a secret.  A mattress consider a mattress only last  7 years.  They do break down over time.  And, each year, your mattress gains about 6-7 pounds.  How?  Your dead skin cells!


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It didn’t take me long in practice to notice certain patterns in people.  One pattern I noticed was associated with smoking marijuana. I would ask my patient if they smoked, and they would say yes.  I told them my findings and it was, of course, it was up to them what course of action they choose to take.

Today people bring me in different CBD oils and I always test them.  I borrow just a bit so I can keep it to test other patients.  I had not seen a CBD oil that I felt tested all that well until recently.  The reason I am interested in this one is because I have yet to find anyone test bad to the product.  Some people test as if they need the product and others just neutral, but I haven’t had anyone test as if it would cause stress.

Most people use the CBD oil for one of three reasons:  pain, anxiety and sleep.  If you have one of those issues and would like for me to test you on this product, remind me to do so on your next appointment.

Although many people still don’t like marijuana, you must remember it is an herb.  Just like anything else, it can be used correctly or incorrectly.  And the truth is, I really do not like seeing people in pain.  In my opinion, it can be a better choice for your body than prescription drugs.

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I’ve had many discussions with patients and friends about fluoride.  How could it be bad if your dentist suggests fluoride treatments?  I never expect a person to simply take my word for a statement I make.  My cousin once asked me, “How do I know you are right?”  You don’t.    Do your own homework.  It is exhausting to have to check everything out, isn’t it?  It is especially exhausting when there are so many “government agencies” that stick with the party line, no matter what evidence is contrary.

First, get a sense of how things are in the world.  How many countries follow the guidelines of the United States?  Not many.  For example, I think there are 40 countries that outlaw GMO’s.  They don’t want them.  But instead, we outlaw labeling GMO’s.  Whether you are a GMO fan or not, doesn’t that sound a bit crazy?  If they were so good for all Americans, why wouldn’t you want to label it so people could identify that wonderful food?  Why would they spend billions to keep them from being labeled?  Good question.  And there are countries who have banned the use of fluoride.  They have their reasons.

Fluoride is a neurotoxin.  Neuro means brain.  Toxin means it is bad for it.  You decide.

I remember a book that made a big impact on me when it came out.  It is, ”The Fluoride Deception,” by Christopher Bryson.  That book is a great place to start because it starts at the beginning and gives names, dates and places of what led to adding fluoride to the water.

You might want to look up dental fluorosis.  Some people have white splotches in their teeth and that is because they had too much fluoride when the enamel on their teeth was forming.  Teeth can actually be damaged.

Then there is skeletal fluorosis.  When people have skeletal fluorosis, often looking at an x-ray you don’t know if they have excessive calcium deposits or if it is fluoride.  It looks like arthritis.  And, if bad, it can cause pain and damage to your bones and joints.

So why do we put fluoride in our water and toothpaste?  Oh yeah, it will help the teeth, but do you really want to compromise all of your body, and especially your brain and your skeletal muscles in order to help your teeth?  Brush your teeth instead!  It works.  And flossing makes it even better!

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Say No to Cancer!

There is a ground swelling here in the United States and it is a grassroots action.  It is led by Ty Bollinger, and others, to help people fight cancer.  Ty’s mother and father both died at too young of an age of cancer and it set him on a path of seeking understanding of cancer, how to avoid it and, if you have it, how to heal.  It has evolved into an online series called, “The Truth About Cancer.”

And we are fortunate because Ty is giving us another opportunity to learn and it will start October 5.  You need to give them your email and they will then send, for three days, a video for you to watch with the information they want to share.

I think it is a fabulous mission.  We can’t expect the pharmaceutical company to support this work.  It will be a grassroots effort to turn the tide of our health in this country through education.  Ty’s mission is to educate the public about holistic methods of healing cancer and how to avoid it all together.

Sign up for this wonderful series here.  And please share this blogs with your friends who want to also learn to avoid this disease.  And remember, Good Health is Priceless!!

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Soup’s On

Fall has been in the air since the first of August this year.  Children have returned to school and the coughs and sore throats have already begun.  Fall started early this year and so did the assault to the immune system.  It reminds me of my first adjustment.  I was sick, went to the chiropractor and got a neck adjustment and was better the next morning!  So don’t forget your adjustment.

It is great to make some soups, especially chicken noodle soup, and freeze in one or two portion containers for the day someone in the family needs to stay home and recuperate.  When someone is sick, you are glad you stored away a cup of health!

If you haven’t seen my videos about making the detox bath or the video about using an onion for an ear ache, be sure to do so.  Look under resources on my website.  These are so simple, but powerful!  They work.  Keep yourself rested and warm and the colds will pass you by.

As it gets colder wearing a scarf is helpful.  Long before scarves were popular here, they wore them in Europe because of the cold.  Keeping your neck, and even the top of your head warm, can be very important in keeping you well.

As the seasons change, stress is placed on the body.  It is obvious as that is the time people tend to get sick.  It so happens to correspond with school starting and increased activity like football games and practices.  Be especially careful when the wind is blowing.  We can take the cold without the wind, but when the wind blows, it takes the cold straight into the bones.  Scarves and coats if you must be outside.  Warm up by the fireplace and have a cup of hot tea.  And, don’t forget to enjoy fall!

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Learn Via Computer

Are you learning via your computer?  You have never been able to have as much access to information at your whim as you do today.  For that, you can really appreciate your computers and the enlarged world they give you.  If you are like me, there are more videos and podcasts and articles to enjoy than time.  We have to pick and choose.

We can learn via our computer that we already have and internet access we already have, so nothing stands in our way of learning but time.

Here is the link to a series of videos by Dr. Mercola.  The title is, “Diet Against Disease.”   Do you know anyone interested in that topic?  Of course, you do.  And, it is free.  Sign up for the series, and watch or listen to what you can.

I often listen to videos as I am cooking dinner or cleaning up afterwards or doing my hair in the morning.  I use the little minutes here and there because I don’t often have time to sit and listen to one or two hours at a time.  You may be the same way.  Use your minutes instead of hours.  Learn what you can.  Enjoy the series, or, if you are like me, the part of the series you have time to watch!

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Anal Cancer

There has been a surge in cases of anal cancer.  You ask why the increase in cases?  Many cancers are because of chemicals, like BPA.  Have you considered the chemicals present in toilet tissue?  It goes on our most tender regions so perhaps it should be as pure as possible.  As far as I know, the bamboo toilet tissue from is the only toilet tissue that is BPA free.  And, it is good for the environment.  Bamboo is so plentiful and grows so quickly.  It replenishes itself with amazing speed.  Consider it environmentally friendly.


If you have a family history of anal cancer or you have anal fissures or hemorrhoids, you might want to do all you can to ensure your anal health by investing in toilet tissue without chemicals.


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The Ideal Baby Gift

Are you looking for the ideal baby gift?  Because babies can’t lift their heads, it is up to us to support their heads.  But when they are sleeping or in a cradle, what can you do?  The ideal baby gift has been created so the parents won’t need to worry that their baby will develop a flat head or too tight of muscles on one side.


This gift is ideal for a baby from birth to 6 months of age.  After 6 months, the baby won’t need it.  You can buy it right off of their website.  As a chiropractor, you know how important I think the neck is!


A friend of mine was in town visiting and we took a trip to the top of Mt. Evans.  There I met Dr. Scott’s son.  He told me all about the tortle, and I am sharing it with you.  Listen to Dr. Scott, a pediatrician, explain the tortle.

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Entering a bathroom, I often hold my nose.  Smells from the body don’t bother me nearly as much as the smells from the plug ins that try to cover up the body smells.  Oh my, sometimes they take my breath away.

I am not fond of the irritatingly sweet smells that are filled with chemicals and that I know are toxic.  Must we add to the toxicity  in our environment?  Frankly, I don’t like anything scented that is laden with chemicals.  My nose can tell.

You might ask, what is our choice as we don’t want bathroom smells, and let’s face it, bathrooms smell.  Candles have been popular for many years, but there are problems with using candles, like fires.  I don’t see nearly as many used any more.

But you do have a choice.  What about and easy-to-make room deodorizer that is toxic-free using essential oils?  I am sure there are many recipes to do this online.  Children would love to participate in making these chemical free natural bathroom sprays.  What a great gift and a great activity for children during the summer.  Make them and set them aside as gifts for grandmothers and aunts and neighbors.

I like this recipe.  If you prefer others, please leave the recipe.  May your bathrooms be toxic free and have a fresh smell.