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Healing Teeth

Our teeth are so important to our health.  Some people say you can look in a person’s mouth and tell the health of their body.  Teeth problems are often known to be the hidden cause of all kinds of mystery illnesses.

There was a dentist named Weston Price.  He traveled around the world looking at teeth and researching.  He compared people’s teeth from different cultures.  Different cultures equals different diets.  He found that diet was very important in maintaining healthy teeth, even how straight teeth are.

Do you know how to stop a cavity?  Like anything else in life, if you want to learn how to do something, ask someone who has done it.  I’m giving you a link today to an article about reversing tooth decay and remineralizing your teeth.  I always say, if you want to know how to do something, ask someone who has done it.  The author of this article healed her tooth that had a cavity in it as well a gum issue.  It is worth trying.   I’d do anything to avoid dental work!  Let me know what you think of the article!


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Spring Brings Allergies!

And if you have allergies, spring can bring sneezing, watering eyes, itching eyes, headaches and even coughing.  Products I carry in the office that work well if you have allergies are Sinuplex, HMC, and an allergy homeopathic.  If you have allergies and haven’t tried these products as single remedies or as a group, please consider them as having allergies is hard on your immune system.  That is why I try not to be around cats as they will stress my immune system.

Spring time of the year is liver time of the year.  We need to do what we can to give liver support.  The best thing to do is to eat clean food.  Not pesticides.  No chemicals.  You know the drill, but doing it is the trick!

I learned some years ago that I do better, allergy wise, when I keep my house closed.  That way the allergens don’t come inside my house.  I don’t leave the doors closed all the time, but very near it.

A good HEPA filter can help rid your house of allergens.  I have three filters going most of the time.  I remember hearing about a study where they said miscarriages could be determined by how close to a major road you lived.

There are so many contaminates now that each one counts.  We want to decrease our total load of stresses in the body.  We do this by eating correctly and filtering our air and our water!

Enjoy spring!

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Heart Attacks

What do you think causes heart attacks?

I love it when other doctors write articles,  agreeing with me.  This article makes me glad I am practicing just as I do.  I help people banish organisms like bacteria, virus, parasites, and fungus from the body.  And I do the NET for emotional issues your body hasn’t resolved yet.

If you have been my patient for years, we may have talked, even at length, about cholesterol and how it is not the cause of heart attacks.  This medical doctor agrees.  He wrote the article in 2010 and since then, there have been more and more studies that prove what the two of us have been saying.  There was proof all along.  At this point, any doctor that thinks otherwise is behind the research curve.  But from what my patients tell me, many are still pushing cholesterol lowering medications.

Why do I like helping people get rid of infection?  In the article, he says, “There is also growing evidence that atherosclerosis is a response to inflammation that is initiated by infections.”  If you don’t want atherosclerosis, make sure your body is as clean on the inside as on the outside!

And, you know how I love the NET, NeuroEmotional Technique.  This doctor says, “In regards to anger, the greatest risk is for those who can’t ‘get it off their chest’, and literally as well as figuratively, ‘take it to heart’.”  If you had rather have some emotional work done than to have a heart attack, come on in!  Obviously, that isn’t everyone’s problem, but it doesn’t hurt to have it checked out.

And, of course, I love to help with the typical sore neck, back or other body part.  I am the luckiest person to get to serve people like you!



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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner.  If you are fortunate enough to have your mother in your life, why not give her something that might help her, like a pair of the socks I have been showing patients as they come in my office.  The socks give you 31% greater balance.  That is exactly the reason I was attracted to them.  I do not have the balance I used to have.  I promise your mom doesn’t need another nic-nak nearly as much as better balance.  And while you are at it, you might as well put a pair back for your dad too as Father’s day will soon follow Mother’s Day.

Unfortunately, as we get older, we are a fall away from a nursing home.  And often a fall leads to greater and greater dysfunction and even death.  So 31% increase sounds good to me.

The socks are great for people with sore or painful feet too.  Plantar fasciitis anyone?  I’ve worked on people with plantar fasciitis enough to know they need adjusted.  After that, put these socks on as they will help with foot pain.

I guess you can tell I’m really liking the socks!  It is great to find something I feel will  really help  my patients, especially the older patients.  I’m in that bracket now, so let’s make use of all the things that will help us live without pain!  Give me a call if you would like for me to order a pair for you, or your mom or dad!

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Vitamin D


It is best to get our vitamin D naturally.   Yes, there are pills, but it is always best to get our vitamins naturally if we can.  If you swallow a pill, it needs to be digested just right or you won’t get the use out of it, whereas the skin just takes in the vitamin D.  Of course, you don’t want to be in the sun too long.  Always avoid a burn!

The days are longer and the sun beckons a nice walk outdoors.  It is always easier to walk with a friend, so perhaps you, like me, have a neighbor with whom you enjoy walking.  And some of you have a nice 4-legged friend who encourages you outside on a regular basis.

Vitamin D is necessary for your body to deposit your calcium in your bones.  Depression sometimes responds to Vitamin D.  It is important for our immune system.  Even though it is called vitamin D, it is a hormone.

No matter what leads you outside, it simply feels good.  The first of August it will feel too hot, but right now it is perfect.  Don’t be afraid of the sun.  Moderation is the key.  Enjoy it!!  And respect it!

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Who Will Speak on Vaccines?

Last week I gave you the link for The Truth About Vaccines.  I want to encourage you to listen and to send this link to others.

I didn’t mention some of the speakers for this series.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be speaking.  He was a favorite speaker on Vaccines Revealed that was available a few months ago.

One that I think is important to hear is Dr. Andrew Wakefield.  He is the doctor that went through so much bad publicity.  I’ve heard him speak.  He is a do not miss speaker!!  I promise.  Hear it from his own mouth what happened.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny will be speaking too.  I’ve heard her speak.  I heard her say before she was aware that vaccines can cause the eyes to look as they do with shaken baby syndrome, she testified against a man for shaking baby syndrome.  That would make you want to learn all you can.  At the meeting I attended, all of her information was straight out of the CDC’s records.

Follow this link and enjoy the series. I look forward to talking to you about the series when you come in for your next appointment.  And don’t forget, send this link to at least a few of your friends!

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Most people are familiar with the controversy about vaccines.  Should we get them or should we avoid them?  And why are they wanting to make them mandatory?  Why do some people think they are dangerous?  If they were dangerous, why wold doctors support giving vaccines?  What is the evidence of vaccines being safe?  What is the evidence that vaccines are harmful?  Where does the science stand?  Since we keep hearing that more and more vaccines are in the planning stage for us, we need good information.   Look up the stats with the World Health Association and see where the health of Americans stands compared to the rest of the world.  You will be disappointed.  Why is this so?  Do other countries give the vaccines that are promoted in the United States?  As you can tell, there are many questions and if you have children, of course, you want the best for them.  So please, watch the following so you can be one of the informed.  Please spread this on your social media.  We citizens deserve to know the research that comes from the CDC (Center for Disease Control).  Follow this link and send this health tip to all your friends.  And, remember, Good Health is Priceless!!

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Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is a technique I use in my practice.  Over the years, I have taught people how to muscle test which allows them to help themselves when at home.  I teach a two hour fun class and you will learn a basic way to help yourself.  Obviously, in two hours, I can’t teach you what I do, but I can teach you some basics which can help you when you get sick or simply want to continue improving your health.

I have a list of people who have asked to be in my next class.  I will teach one class this spring.  If you would like to be in the class, please email me or call the office and leave me a message.  You know how it is:  every time I teach a class, the next week someone tells me they wish they had known I was teaching it.  So here is the invitation:  please come join us.  It is best to take it with a spouse, child or friend so you can practice with each other after the class.  You will become proficient if you practice.

The class is $25 per person.  The date has not yet been set.  I enjoy having the class outside if possible.  Spring has sprung so let me know if you would like to take the class.  And, enjoy your week!

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Do Your Emotions Affect Your Body?

Up and down emotions!  Sometimes we don’t know what to do with ourselves.  At times, we are completely shut down to our emotions and other times our emotions can be wild.  If you have a teenage daughter, you probably know what I mean!

I do the NeuroEmotional Technique in my office.  If you are not familiar with it, you can go to and learn more about it.  I love it because, as you know, we go into a field that we need.  I needed chiropractic and I needed the NeuroEmotional work.  Chiropractic adjustments have helped me because I’ve been in 20 car accidents.  And the NeuroEmotional Technique helped me because I had a traumatic young life and the work made a big difference in me emotionally and physically.  And it can make a big difference in you too if you need it and want it.

Wouldn’t it be great if more people could experience the relief that just a little bit of work can provide?  Never forget that the body is gifted with holding the emotions and therefore, it is the body that needs work to dissipate or dissolve the emotions that are basically “caught” in the tissues.  !

Did you know that NET works for physical problems as well as emotional issues?  For example, you might have a back ache or neck ache and come in for an adjustment.  There could be, but doesn’t have to be, an emotional component to your pain.  Just think what could be done in health care by adding treatment for the emotional component of our body!

In fact, new research has just been reported using the NET and I want to share it with you.  Be sure to open it because it shows, in photos, what happens to the brain before and after applying NET.  I love it because it is easy on the patient and easy on me!  And, when that particular adjustment is hard to get, it is often because of an emotional component!

I love NET!  Do you?

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Allergy Season!

Allergies cause a lot of misery.  When I was young, I had a big allergy to chlorine and I loved swimming so I spent a lot of time rubbing my eyes!  But today, many people have allergies all year round.  Has our air gotten that much worse or what we gotten that much sicker?

We didn’t have a big winter this year, but I imagine we will have a big spring meaning lots of allergies.  Just remember there are many products that help with allergies.  If your allergies are very bad, please come in.  I remember how I used to suffer and I don’t want anyone suffering like that.

Spring is liver time of the year and that means it is time to heal the liver.  Be sure to eat liver healing foods like beets.  If you like to juice, enjoy your green juices.  There are some supplements that are excellent for allergies.  You might have to take them all season, but that is better than taking drugs and being sleepy.  If you are suffering, give me a call!