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Losing a Parent When You Were a Child

I have released my book, “A Texas Tragedy:  Orphaned by Bootleggers.”  The book is a memoir of my healing process from the loss of both of my parents, by death, when I was a young child.  It is an ebook and can be found at Bookbaby  and Amazon.

I have started a new site called ChildhoodLoss.COM and will be offering a series of classes called:  Healing From the Loss of a Parent as A Child.

This creation is to help other adults who lost a parent when they were a child because I wish someone had travelled the path before me and shown me the way. My hope and wish is your time of healing is shorted by my experience. That will mean you love yourself sooner.  You have compassion for yourself sooner.  You change your patterns, that came from that loss, sooner.

Adults who lost a parent when they were a child suffer.  Some suffer from lack of confidence and lack of support.  Everyone has patterns from their childhood.  Those of us who lost a parent as a child share many of the same patterns.  Some patterns are behavioral where we continue to act the same when in our heart of hearts, we do not want to behave that way.  Or it can be feelings that we hide from the world.  Those feelings make us, in some way, feel less than.

It started with your loss of a parent when you were a child.  You can lose a parent by abandonment, abuse, addiction, adoption, death, divorce, indifference, military deployment, prison and sickness.

Most people want to leave that loss and their story behind.  Most who lost a parent, deep down, know they are affected.  But they don’t know what to do about it.

My classes can be taken in the comfort of your own home.  You will learn and use strategies to peer into those patterns from a safe place where change can occur.  The classes will be directed towards recognizing your patterns and changing them through conscious intent.  They are coming soon!

If you are aware of a pattern you have from the loss of a parent as a child, please go to my ChildhoodLoss site and leave a comment.  Anyone can sign up for my blog from that site.



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Insurance Bills Are More Costly!

I understand the average car insurance premium has jumped 16% since 2011.  And the price must be greater if you have teenage drivers.  The car insurance industry says that people distracted by their cell phone is part of the problem!  That is an accident waiting to happen!

We had an increase of 14% in highway deaths last year which represents the sharpest increase in 53 years!  That translates to 40,000 people dying on the road last year.

The highways and even roads in the Denver metro area are overflowing.  And yet we dare to drive.  There are so many items that vie for our attention while we are driving.  We have signs, traffic lights, billboards, honking horns, people looking for an address, people going the wrong way, children needing attention, pedestrians crossing the street, stopped cars, people driving too fast, people driving too slow, ducks crossing the street and on and on.  And that doesn’t even consider weather issues like snow, ice, sleet, sand, and wind.  I’ve even known people who had an accident from sneezing and losing control of the car.  Cars are dangerous items and I know I don’t need one more distraction.  I don’t need to be talking on the phone or answering the phone.

For those who are still alive after their car accidents, they can have life altering injuries.  And for injuries that are not life altering, I remember reading an article that said 20 years after a whiplash, there is a good chance of having a recurrent problem from the original whiplash injury.

Are we really in that big of a hurry that our phone is necessary while driving?  Sometimes we simply need a reminder.  Better the reminder come from me than from an accident.  I admit it.  I have used mine, but after writing this, I think my phone will stay in my purse!  If I need to use it, I will pull over.  What about you?


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Armpit issues?

You might be surprised how many people have problems with their underarms.  They either hurt, itch, break out, have cysts, or stink, but you get the point.  So perhaps it is time to detox your armpits!

Since you were about 12 years old, every day you have put something under your arms.  It might be deodorant or an antiperspirant.  Years ago, I put powder on top of my deodorant.  Look at the ingredients in the products that have hit our underarm!  Maybe those products are the cause of the itching, burning, breaking out and stinking of the underarms.

I lived on a farm with my Grandparents who were born in 1893 and 1895.  My grandpa was a farmer and I remember, when I was a teenager, a conversation I had with my granny.  She told me when she was a young mom, they took baths on Saturday night.  I asked her, you mean Grandpa would farm all day and come in and go to bed without taking a bath?  She said yes.  I asked her, “didn’t he stink?”  She said she had no memory of it.

You see, before eating processed food with lots of chemicals, our sweat didn’t stink. Before being so stressed out that our hormones are off, our sweat didn’t stink.  Sweating is one way we get rid of the toxins in our body.  When the total load of toxins is very low in the body, if there is a smell, it would be very little.  Now, let’s go forward to today.  Yes, most people put some product on their armpits.  It is modern day life.

Going forward, after your underarm detox, be careful of the products you use under your arms.  Avoid unsafe or toxic products!  That means that you will use a natural product as a deodorant.  It took me buying product after product to find one I liked.  I don’t like the perfumed ones.  I like ones with no scent.  If you have tried without success to find a product that you could use and you like, please send me an email or call.  I have a few that are my faithfuls!

Here is your link:



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Skin Health

There are so many good programs streaming these days like “The Truth About Cancer” and “Vaccines Revealed.”  Both of those programs emphasized the toxins in our environment and the necessity of keeping them out of the body.  Please consider what you put on your skin to be inside your body because it is absorbed through the skin.  The skin breathes in and out.  It breathes in by absorbing the products you put on your skin.  The skin breathes out by sweating.  People who do not sweat are at a disadvantage because sweating is an additional way of detoxing.  It is good for you!

We love our lotions and potions but that doesn’t mean they are good for us. Make sure they are free of chemicals that are cancer causing.  In fact, feel free to bring items each time you come see me and I will test them.  For me, that is the easiest way to find if they are ok to use.   Findin products that truly support your health is self-love!  Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Love is in the air!

Happy Valentine’s month.  Valentine’s is one holiday that we might consider celebrating every day.  I don’t mean give flowers, candy, or  a nice dinner out everyday, but the feeling of love!  If you have love in your life, I can guarantee you are happier AND healthier.

Often people say, “but I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend or I don’t have a husband/wife.”  We all know that Valentine’s day is for lovers, but the root of that word is love.  Simply love.  Love others, love life, love your body, love nature, love children, love your pets:  love knows no bounds.  With an open heart, there are many opportunities  to give love to another.  Make yourself available.

Sometimes it is easier to love another than to really love yourself.  Loving yourself means you are kind, forgiving and compassionate with yourself.  Life has hard knocks for everyone.  Love yourself anyway.  You make mistakes.  Love yourself anyway.  You weren’t as kind as you feel you should have been.  Love yourself anyway.  You lost your job.  Love yourself anyway.  But how can you do that?  It is easier to love yourself if you take responsibility for your life.  When you are wrong, fess up, even to yourself.  You can’t wait until everything is perfect to love yourself as life gets messy!

As my Granny always said, life is short.  Let’s make the most of it by loving fully.  And, really, there is no way to truly love others unless you love yourself!  HAPPY VALENTINE’S!

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Do you notice that your balance isn’t as good as it used to be? What if wearing a particular sock would help you?  What if wearing a particular sock will increase your strength or endurance in sport activities?

Whatever will help with pain or dysfunction in the feet, I’m all for.

I’m still checking them out and at your next appointment, I’ll be happy to test to see if they would help you.

What makes these socks different? They have a pattern on them that affects the energy system in the body. I know it sounds different, but at your next appointment, I can show you. The energy system it affects is the acupuncture system.

For those of us with balance problems, we will take any edge we can get because it might mean the difference in a fall or not!

If you know someone who needs the help (or a gift, think Mother’s Day and Father’s Day), please pass this on. The socks are $30-$40 a pair, but when you compare that to what a fall costs in terms of health, they are inexpensive.

I have big feet (size 10 shoe) and I like the medium sock.  They run large.  Consider ordering a size smaller than usual. I have some in my office if you would like to try them on before ordering. And, I can order them for you if you would like. There are many options in length and color and if you have questions, feel free to call or email me.  Or you can order on this site.

1) Find the socks you prefer

2) Add to cart

3) At check out put in your shipping info and credit card

Caveat: shipping is $10 for up to 15 pairs and federal tax is 5% of order.

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Sleep: Do You Get Enough?

Do you ever have a bad night’s sleep? Sleep really isn’t given the respect it deserves. Many people confess to me that they stay up too late at night. Did you know that if you have a night of only four hours of sleep, research shows that the next day you will eat 400 more calories than you would have if you had gotten a good night’s sleep? And if that wasn’t bad enough, research shows that one night of poor sleep will mess with your insulin sensitivity more than if you ate poorly for six months. If you aren’t afraid of diabetes, don’t forget that high insulin levels drive cancer too. People who had less than six hours of sleep a night had a 50% greater chance of having cancer. So, the bottom line is, let’s make sure we get a good night’s sleep!!  A hot bath before bed, turn off devices an hour before bed, add a few rituals before bed and my never fail is a minute or so of deep breathing!  Now, let’s celebrate good sleep!

I got these statistics from Dr. Mercola’s wonderful website in case you want to read more!

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When you come into my waiting room, I have a Biomat in one of the chairs. Some of my patients have their own Biomat because they borrowed one from me for a week and decided it was something they wanted for their families. You can borrow one too it you would like.  I love my Biomat and many of my patients feel the same way.

You are busy and who wants to take the time to do research on the far infrared?  No worries,  I found a solution! If you want to know more about the far-infrared rays and how they are helpful to the body, a woman did some research on the far infrared rays and put it on her website. So for more BioMat health benefits, read her article on the Biomat at:

 And I hope you are watching the “Vaccine Reveled” series as it is chopped full of information that needs to become common knowledge. Episode 6 is heart breaking but one that everyone should see.

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Vaccines Revealed!

I’ve been asked questions about vaccines many times in my practice. I like to refer to the science.   This week is a streaming event about vaccines below. I hope you sign up to watch and listen!

I have not seen this series yet. Just remember, vaccines are often given for illnesses with few problems associated with having the illness. We have to ask why? When I was a kid, it was ok for me to stay home from school with my Granny for two weeks when I had the mumps. Today, with parents working and families living away from grandparents, it makes it hard on families for children to be sick. And don’t forget about the big money involved in vaccines. Are there studies to prove that vaccines are needed and necessary? Are safe? No, there aren’t. Is there a link with vaccines and our increase in illnesses? Watch this series and see what you can learn and we can compare notes!!

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Happy New Year to all! May this be a year of increased health!

I promised a few patients I would put a few words in my health tip this week about my time in Belize.

I was pinching myself one day when we were picked up in a boat by a real life Tarzan. He calls himself Rambo but his name is Percy. He was hilarious and so much fun. He is the real deal. By boat, we went up “his river,” the Monkey River, to “his jungle” where he hollered at the howler monkeys. They were up in the tree and yelled back at him.   When he got out of the boat to enter the jungle, he did so barefoot.  He walked all the way through the jungle with no shoes and not a whimper.  (I could NEVER do that!!)  He told us the names of the trees and how he used them for medicine.  He had an eye for birds, bugs and animals.  He said this is a glue tree and hit it with his machete and white glue seeped out.   We got back in the boat and he took us to a place and said we could swim there.  Just up the river we had seen small crocodiles in the river. He said he always goes swimming there. He always had, forever, his whole life.

So, if you can believe it, I jumped in the river.   Then he took us over to the side and found, with his toes, mud they use for mud packs and I put it on my body.  I even put it on my face. I only had it on for about one minute, at the most, and you won’t believe how soft my skin felt afterwards. After getting the mud off, we returned to the boat, looked for the manatees, and it began to rain. It started raining like crazy and I was thankful he had a roof on the boat, but that didn’t mean we didn’t get wet—a lot. All in all what a fabulous day! You can see him yourself right here.  But it was so NOT like me!

The health tip is, when you go on vacation, don’t completely lose your mind and jump into a river in the jungle like I did. Enjoy life, but why take that kind of risk? You know there were snakes in that river. What about parasites and bacteria and virus. OMG! What was I thinking?